Friday, March 20, 2009

The Photographic Dictionary

kinetic ki⋅net⋅ic [ki-net-ik]
-- adjective
1. pertaining to motion.
2. caused by motion.
3. characterized by movement: Running and dancing are kinetic activities.

I love, love, love this idea.

The Photographic Dictionary is an elfin, but I hope rapidly expanding, dictionary that collects beautiful photographs taken by artists around the world and draws delicate parallels between the realms of words and imagery. Every image is assigned to a single word and definition. The nuances of personal experience in the photographs recreate new significance and beauty for a collection of words both common and forgotten.

The Dictionary is a massive collaborative effort, and they welcome new submissions. It's an exercise in recognizing our processes of meaning creation and appreciating the imprint of individual experience on how
we come to understand signifiers.

My two favorite things. Words and photography.







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